Sunday, May 11, 2008

No Shame In This

So, we've gotten into the topic of rebounding. My perception on rebounding is a relationship that starts up very quickly after another relationship has ended. Rebounds are rarely based on love but are a way of alleviating the loneliness people feel when a relationship ends.

The are used for the security - The feeling of being in love and more than anything else they want to feel that security again. They convince themselves that they are in love when they are actually missing the safety and comfort of the relationship they left behind.

If an old relationship keeps interfering with the progress of a new relationship it means that the relationship is a rebound. When somebody is on the rebound they are not entirely over their previous relationship. They may still be trying to work out unresolved issues from that relationship.

Now I won't deny that you could say I am rebounding; or that I don't think of him daily. But I can say I no longer have love for him; but more of the person he used to be and the times we once shared - I am for the most part over them too.

You ask if I think he's rebounding. Well, that's something entirely different. Once he said to me, "I used to think love was any pretty girl who payed me attention."

Keep this in mind while you decide, friend. Maturity is something that is above all. It can not be taught, but must be learned.

I said no shame - Pay attention.

For the record, someone who's rebounding would still be impacted by unsettled feelings from the past - At this rate I'll be over it by next month.

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