Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Renascent Awareness

Transcending the baseness of our physical beings, the moment spoke to the prurience of our minds. The softness of your lips is disparate with the decadence of my nature, but instead belies the implicit curiosity of yours. You elicit an unlikely candor from me with your gentle mouth; your bottomless eyes cause me to question the methods I have always embraced. Leading us away from the mundane and toward the incomparable sensation of deep understanding, you eclipse my reservations with your sweet syllogism.

Thank you kindly.

Soft sunlight shakes the sleep from my eyes
Life sighed upon me when I said goodbye
The earth stalled in its orbit just for me
A universe in sync with the perfect breeze
A flare of passion that died a violent death
Is now reborn an aching tenderness
An ember glow in the dark night
Rocks me gently, softly, with all it's might. . .

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